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Stabilizer and individual Undo ideas.

Hello.I recently found FlockMod and I like it.I would like to leave some ideas that the users would really like.The first one is a stabilizer function like the one in Paint Sai Tool.I don't know if you guys can pull this one off but if you do,the users would really love this app.Especially the mouse users.
Now the second thing is the individual "Undo" option that many other users seem to want.Now I'm not an expert but maybe I can give you guys a base to work with.I was thinking to implement a layer system.So each user enters a room and he is on his own invisible layer.Each user's layer would have it's own separate commands like undo so that one layer won't interfere with the whole room once an undo is performed by a user. and all the user layers would simply display one over another in the same place (the room).And maybe add an individual option to hide/show a certain user's layer.That way if there are trolls and troublemakers in the room each individual can chose to simply hide and not see what the troll is doing on the room.Like a filter for unwanted individuals.

Shingo Kusanagi , 14.07.2016, 14:31
Idea status: under consideration


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