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Why do I have to download Flockmod?

I think this is super inconvenient. When I used flockmod before, i was able to move through it without any problems. I'm on a school laptop (That is technically mine) and it does not allow you to download anything. Id really like to be able to use flockmod without downloading anything. Thanks!

Yuki-Chan , 26.01.2017, 15:29
Response from the site administrator
auto, 29.01.2017
You don't really have to download Flockmod (unless you want to use our desktop version which supports tablets)

If the "online" version tells you to download a file it's probably because you don't have Adobe Flash on your computer. Download it here: http://get.adobe.com/flash
Or use Google Chrome ( http://chrome.google.com )
Idea status: completed


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