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being defaulted

Okay, so I know this might be common, but can you fix the 'defaulting' problem? I got that today and I lost everything except being modded in rooms, but I lose my saved colors and all that. So please, fix this problem. I barely got my colors back and the fact I got defaulted caused a great amount of anger for the website. That anger is from how I don't want others to have this problem, but please fix this.

Stringsofdarkness , 10.10.2017, 20:21
Response from the site administrator
auto, 12.10.2017
eoe is right.
Idea status: completed


eoe, 11.10.2017, 13:48
I think the information is stored in the flash memory in your browser. Don't clear the local data (or ie. use private browsing) or use standalone drawing app

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