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Why the webapp is slow on Linux ?

It's so bad I can't even draw things properly. The lag teleports cursor and makes a mess.
The standard paint tool works normally, but the eraser lags like hell.
Changing layer, quality, or whatever configuration changes absolutely nothing.
And so with system processus priority setting, or running browser in safe mode.

Here using Linux (Fedora 32bits) and Firefox 25.

Can't test AIR application because Adobe stopped supporting AIR on Linux platforms 2 years ago.
The package is stuck at version 2.6 and last time I did a test with pymod air-app, i did'nt event started. suppose it needs higher version.

It's a little weird 'cause I never had such problems on Flash apps, even with this linux version of Flash.

Pretty bad 'cause this app is wonderful :(

Kahas , 19.11.2013, 21:49
Response from the site administrator
fdt, 19.11.2013
My current guess would be 2d hardware acceleration is not working properly for your machine.

Look into verifying that your video drivers are setup properly and hardware acceleration is working.

Linux and flash dont always play nice unfortunately.

I will see if I can test out the app in linux myself sometime this weekend.
Idea status: under consideration


HGL, 15.02.2015, 14:14
The application works if you run it under wine.

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