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Loading room list never finishes loading the rooms. Unable to join any room on drawplanet.net or http://flockmod.com/apps/flockmod.swf. It has been like this for me for the past 2 to 3 days.

Unable to join or refresh/load list of rooms available. Very frustrating. I'm lead to believe that i've been wrongly, or accidentally banned. (i usually go as anonymous and have been accidentally kicked/banned a few times over the years)

Meow/anonymous , 21.05.2014, 12:12
Response from the site administrator
auto, 21.05.2014
I don't think you are banned.
Are you sure you are using the latest version? (currently v11.11A)

If you are not, please clear your cache and retry.
Idea status: under consideration


James, 12.09.2014, 13:56
Mine too, it won't stop loading the list of rooms.

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