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I can't connect to FlockMod but my internet is fine,was I banned?

I was recently in a room with one of my friends chatting then suddenly I was disconnected,this happens time to time so I can just leave the room and join back,perfectly fine but this time it kept connecting and disconnecting until i left and tried to rejoin.I couldn't.
I tried using both tablet and browser version,neither worked and I couldn't join ANY room at all,it would just leave me with 'connecting...'
I tried to restart then and it still doesn't work,was I perhaps banned for doing something? I don't recall doing anything that violates the rules at all.
if this helps my username is Buttlet.

Buttlet , 25.06.2015, 09:29
Response from the site administrator
auto, 18.07.2015
Please try again.
Idea status: completed


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