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Room List will not load

Same issue reported by many others, however its consistency has made the experience of using FlockMOD more difficult to enjoy.
Sometimes the room list will not load, along with a message saying, "disconnected".
Sometimes the room list WILL load, but I am not able to join a selection of public rooms.
Sometimes within the room, either myself or everyone gets disconnected while a number of us are reconnected.

On a side note, when using text within a room goes out of wack (either by uncontrollably changing the zoom or not being able to place a text onto the room canvas) it really interferes with you drawing.
Also, opening and using a separate internet tab freezes FlockMOD (its own tab) and you'll have to refresh the page.

Using the desktop version or removing cache does not help the issue apparently. Just thought I gave feedback on an issue that's quite troubling and happening for me at the moment.

YinSaku , 05.10.2017, 10:44
Idea status: under consideration


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