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Three Ideas I Have

I would like to suggest three ideas to somewhat improve Flockmod.

1. Font you can choose. I know this idea has already been suggested, but it is a great idea.
2. A kid friendly planet. Named "planet_jr"or something. This can be a chat for younger Flockmodders to be able to draw and enjoy themselves without being harassed by pedophiles or trolls, and people who swear or draw porn can be muted or banned.
3. More shapes, like triangles or hexagons. We only have two shapes, squares and circles. Have a more "diverse" range of shapes to choose from.
These are the three suggestions I have. I have been using Flockmod for years and I would love to see it update and improve. Thanks for reading this!

deadguy749 , 30.10.2017, 05:48
Idea status: under consideration


Bruh Moment, 01.10.2019, 14:16
Second idea just go to an sfw room ctfu. Other ones are pretty good tho

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