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Flockmod Disconnected Problem

Here's a problem that happens a lot in FlockMod for me.. ever since near when I joined after a while sometimes I'd come open flockmod it would say "Disconnected" and the room list would not load and going into rooms would say "Connecting.. " forever without getting in. However when it does that there is nothing wrong with my connection and my internet is working fine. It does shut off sometimes but it comes back on and it might have messed with flockmod so I want to know how to fix it. It's really annoying and has been going on for years now except back then it would actually fix itself when either I refreshed, restarted computer, reboot internet, or waited a little bit.. but NOW none of those things work and instead it's been going on for weeks no matter what I do and even when the internet is working fine.. it's not with flockmod because I see people are still on and posting things to the gallery just fine so PLEASE tell me how to fix it because I like to use flockmod and I don't want it to be broken all the time..

Chikapoopoo , 02.04.2018, 04:01
Idea status: under consideration


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