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there should be an update. Flash is sorta disabled on a lot of computers, and FM has lost a lot of users due to being outdated and not receiving updates since ~2017.

What I said above sums it up. Many of the people I know who knew and loved FlockMod have abandoned the site and app due to a lack of updates. Good updates would include:
1. an update in formats for the rooms, and how to config rooms.
2. the registered account screen is terrible and makes it hard to create accounts.
3. a lasso tool and a duplicate/mirror tool would be fantastic for artists on the app.
4. rather than just ignoring a specific user every time you're in the same room, there should be a block option.
5. inbox rules should be more flexible so that I don't have to wait a few MINUTES before being allowed to send another email.
I adore the app, but it's outdated and needs some work. You guys should try to recruit some mods/coders to help you with the updates.

Kanji , 02.07.2020, 21:15
Response from the site administrator
auto, 03.07.2020
Thanks for the feedback. We are already working on a new Flash-free drawing app.
Idea status: completed


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