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Mod usernames, user notification.

I think it would be ideal for moderators of a room to have a different color username in the user list and chat. Also a feature in the username column allowing a user to notify the room of being AFK or not. Example: "Username" (AFK). Another feature I think would be neat would be a command for the chat allowing users to track when their friends were last online or where at currently on flockmod they are. For instance typing !seen or something similar into the chat followed by the desired registered username a pm would relay back to the user notifying of the last seen activity of said user. Just some thoughts Ive had.

Origin , 24.10.2013, 12:39
Response from the site administrator
fdt, 15.12.2013
This sounds like a great idea :)
I am not fully on board with the !seen command as many users want to keep their activities hidden (and the rooms themselves for that matter).

Perhaps a concept of friends can be added in the future, though that adds a bit of social structure and complexity that is still a little ways down the road.

We should be able to highlight mod names and add status's without too much hassle though,
Expect to see this in one of the next few versions!

(Update: Added mod color, 11.04)
(Update: Added status, 11.07)
Idea status: completed


oerjhrot, 11.11.2013, 18:00
I think if there is an AFK feature added it should mute the board for the user using it, that way they aren't suspected if they really are afk or something

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