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Chat commands

Can you please give us a list of chat commands (put as a reply or something) I know of /me /mm /pm /cls /clear and thats all i know.

eeee , 27.11.2013, 20:28
Response from the site administrator
fdt, 15.12.2013
You can find this on our new help page here.

/pm (This private messages a user)
/mm (This sends a message to the moderator chat if you are a mod)
/sync (This will attempt to sync your board with username)
/me (This will send an action message to chat, such as /me does a handstand will send ‘fdt does a handstand’)
/cls (This will clear the board, or the layer of your choice if specified)
/clear (This will clear your chat history)
/ignore (This will ignore username in the chat)
/unignore (This will unignore username, or everyone if you do not specify a user)
Idea status: completed


Dav999, 01.12.2013, 02:07
I just discovered /sync, but I think there should be a /help command or something so people can see the list of commands

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