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Brushes not working in the air app

Hi, the bell pepper brushes have never worked for me in the Air app, but they do work when I open Flockmod in Chrome. When I try to load brushes in the air app, it just says "Wrong file type" on every .gbr I try to load, regardless of whether the file size is smaller or larger than 1 MB. Even the brushes on http://py-bot.com/gimpbrushes.zip all fail to work in the Air app. I'm using a Mac, if that helps.

Dav999 , 20.12.2013, 02:56
Idea status: under consideration


lava, 26.12.2013, 16:23
If you're using a Mac in the process of using the brush, this is why. Mac users have trouble using the bell pepper brush and hopefully this will soon be resolved.

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