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encoded IPs

Saw this http://flockmod.com/gallery/index.php?q=/post/view/26435 on nlobby4 and was wondering, can't fmod assign random IDs for each IP or something? Just something a bit less intrusive, but still allowing range bans and all, since anyone can make a public room and have access to anyone's IP when they enter. I heard a case back when the transition to drawdevil happened, that a mod "bumped" someone's connection with that knowledge.

Anonymous , 01.06.2014, 09:56
Response from the site administrator
auto, 17.11.2020
Added in FlockMod v13.
Idea status: completed


Dav999, 08.06.2014, 02:44
Chamber, 16.04.2016, 04:27
IP's are publicly accessible anyway, so what's the point?

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