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It is apparent that your own mods do not moderate their pages and continue to play games at will whenever they feel it is necessary. It is unprofessional and juvenile to have to play games when all I want to do is simply draw.

All moderators should be canned and fresh ones initiated to protect the future of your site. You will not generate revenue or gain valuable people by employing volunteers who do not care about following the rules.

Potato , 20.01.2015, 16:25
Response from the site administrator
auto, 22.01.2015
That's not how flockmod works.

In flockmod anyone can create their own room and add their own moderators. Some rooms have more strict rules and some others don't have rules at all. There are a few rules for the whole flockmod but we basically let them set any rules they want.

If you don't like a certain room, please feel free to move to other rooms (visit http://flockmod.com/roomlist for a full list of public rooms) or create your own room (register a user account, visit a room, and if it's unregistered you should see a "Register room" button at the bottom)
Idea status: completed


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