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Ideas about the Idea's Page and Flockmod app (web and desktop)

Idea's Page:

- Categories for better organization of the idea's posted by the users;
- A separate space for inputting words to search if there's any related ideas already posted;
- The need of the Flockmod nickname and password of the real user, so less 'fake' users send idea's (as anonymous);
- Tags would be good for organizing, but I still thinks it would be more effective using Categories.


- Option to change skin colors of the app;
- A Loading Bar, or some type of feedback, when the app is actually being loaded for the user;
- Option to translate it by the users, so more people can use it, even if they dont know English;
- Perhaps a small flag icon to show from where the user is from;
- Somewhere showing number of rooms (public and private) and number of users currently online.

BloodStalker , 18.04.2015, 11:13
Idea status: under consideration


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